Monday, December 14, 2009
Journey of my student life and my Final Year Project
At the age of 13 I continued my secondary and high school at an Islamic school in Bangkok, Thailand. It was an amazing time for me. Alhamdulillah, There I started wearing hijab, learning Arabic and religious courses.
After 6 years in the Islamic school I opted to further my university life in IIUM, Malaysia. Here, I am taking biomedical science. It is an interesting course for me. My favorite subjects are pathology, microbiology and clinical biochemistry. Currently, I am in my final year taking environmental health concentration. The more I learned, the more I do love and concern about our environment. During my previous semester I took a subject called basic environmental law. Though it was Malaysian law, I found it very interesting. I discovered that I actually love leaning about law too. In my opinion, environmental laws in Malaysia are stricter than in my place which is good actually.
In this final semester of mine I patiently focus on my Final Year Project (FYP) as well as my other courses. My final year project is under supervision of Mdm. Norazsida Ramli, a parasitology lecturer of IIUM. The project is entitled “Prevalence and risk factors of intestinal parasitic infection among students living in campus of IIUM, kuantan” the objective of this study is to screen for intestinal parasitic infections of students who live in Kuantan campus.
Questionnaire will be administered to every subject to determine the risk factors. Faecal samples will be collected to be identify for intestinal parasites. Number of positive cases will be calculated to get prevalence no. Related risk factors will be addressed. InshaAllah, I hope that this study will benefit IIUM students in term of their health conditions as well as the hygiene condition of food, drink and restroom of our campus.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The everything song

I'm gonna take my bicycle and ride out to a field
And pray under the sky with the mosquitoes and the birds.
We can pray together, you can come with me.
Have you ever called Azan while standing high up in a tree?
Every single blade of grass
And every day and month that pass
and every colored leaf that decorates the fall.
Every flake of snow is different,
every place you go is different,
everyone you know is different,
that's the beauty of it all.
Allah makes picture puzzle pieces with the passing clouds
we can contemplate and dream upon the beauty of His signs.
I like to lay down with my head upon the grass,
laughing with the moon and winking back at stars that pass.
Every single star you see
and every rock within the sea
and every drop of rain that you've ever felt fall..
Every flake of snow is different,
every place you go is different,
everyone you know is different,
that's the beauty of it all.
Every print on every finger of each human on the earth
is different from each other finger print since the start of time.
Nadia speaks with her hands not a sound comes from her lips,
Abdullah doesn't use his eyes, reads with his finger tips.
Every face and you and me,
and every stripe on every bee,
every creature that you see swim, fly run or crawl,
every flake of snow is different,
every place you go is different, everyone you know is different
that's the beauty of it all.
Road To Madinah
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Thursday, April 9, 2009
10 Things We Waste

1. Our Knowledge ....Wasted by not taking action with it
2. Our Actions ....Wasted by committing them without sincerity
3. Our Wealth ....Wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr. We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things which have no benefit in this life or in akhirah.
4. Our Hearts ....Wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah, and the feeling of longing to go to Him, and a feeling of peace and contentment. In it’s place, our hearts are filled with something or someone else.
5. Our Bodies ....Wasted because we don’t use them in ibadah and service of Allah
6. Our Love ....Our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah, but towards something/someone else.
7. Our Time ....Wasted, not used properly, to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deed.
8. Our Intellect ....Wasted on things that are not beneficial, that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.
9. Our Service ....Wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah, or benefit in dunya.
10. Our Dhikr ....Wasted, because it does not affect us or our hearts.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Existence of ALLAH

ถึงสองตาจะไม่เคยเห็นลม...สติปัญญาและหัวใจก็ยังเชื่อว่าโลกนี้มี “ลม”
Getting ready…
Seem so means that is how people thought
Well, no deny it a bit important
Yet, how can we sure we aren’t being influenced
Let’s take time machine (islamic history) to the prophet era
And have a look on how religious the women were
Surah al-nur, al-ahzab were studied intensely
As a means to become a wife faithfully
Let’s take the time machine back to our era
And have a look on how materialistic we are
Wedding studio is almost in every sister’s dreams
But Qur’an and Hadith are far away from their theme
Not too late to get ready now
Grabs Qur’an tightly in your hand
And Let’s Hadith enlighten your days from now on
If HE wills, you will be the most beautiful bride His mercy eternally bestows on.
So, here are a fews hadith preparing us to be a good and beloved wife.
The Rasul of Allah (saw) said, ‘Should I
not tell you of your men who will be of the people of Jannah?
The prophets will be in Jannah, the siddiqs will be in Jannah,
the martyrs will be in jannah, a baby (dying before puberty)
will be in Jannah, and a man who visits his brother in a distant
locality, visiting him only for the sake of Allah. And as for your
women who will be of the people of Jannah: she is the loving,
bearer of many children, the one who is caring toward her
husband – the one, who, when he gets angry, puts her hand in
his and says ‘I will not taste any sleep until you are happy.’’
(Tammam Ar-Razi)
Rasulullah (saw.) said, ‘When a woman prays her Ive (prayers),
fasts her month (Ramadan), preserves her chastity, and obeys
her husband, she will be told (on the Day of Judgment), ‘Enter
Jannah from any of its (eight) gates.’ (ibn Hibban)
He (saw.) also said that the prayer of a woman who disobeys her
husband does not rise above her head until she returns (to
obedience). (Haakim and Tabarani)
Pleasing the Husband
Rasulullah (saw.) said, ‘The best of women is that who pleases
him (i.e. her husband) when he looks at her, obeys him when
he orders, and does not subject her person or money to what
he dislikes.’ (Ahmed and others)
Fulfilling his physical desire
Rasulullah (saw.) said, ‘When a man
invites his wife for his (sexual) need,
she should go to him, even if she
was working at the outdoor oven.’
(Ahmed, An-Nasa’i and others)
Marry + Age
When people in my world start talking about marriage…
When the issue pops in and out in every circle of study (Halaqah)
When some sisters are getting married with pious brothers
When you are so single and totally available
There is nothing wrong with you and me, actually
There is no candidate now does not mean “no” in reality, inshaAllah
There to you shall keep your hands and protect your heart
To Him alone we shall put our trust.
Nikahun Mubarakun!!!

This month is a month that I am so happy because one of my best friends got married. It is also the month which I am unintentionally exposed to marriage issues and articles by my beloved sisters who really care about my turn but know not that there is no one in my queue yet.
To prepare us to be a good wife and umm in the future, by now we should start. It does not matter soon or late InshaAllah, in the end he will appear.
Yes, due to the severe exposure I can’t help myself to start writing and posting marriage relating articles. Some are my own ideas and opinions.
To all newly married couple and upcoming…
بارك الله لك وبارك عليك وجمع بينكما في خير
Monday, April 6, 2009
cell phone and Al-qur'an
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several time a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
หากว่าเราใช้อัลกุรอ่านเพื่อรับ"ข้อความ" ดังเช่นจากโทรศัพท์
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
หากว่าเราให้ของขวัญกับเด็ก ๆ ด้วยกับอัลกุรอ่าน
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Quran?
เป็นอีกสิ่งหนึ่งที่ทำให้คุณเรียกหา ... เห็น อัล-กรุอ่านฉันมั้ย ?
Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Quran being disconnected
แต่สิ่งหนึ่งที่แตกต่างระหว่างโทรศัพท์มือถือกับอัลกุรอ่าน คือ มันไม่วันถูกตัดสาย!!
Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!
จงหยุดและคิดเถอะ อะไรคือสิ่งที่สำคัญที่สุด
ญะซากิลลาฮุคอยร็อน : The future of Ummah
Israeli Butchers-- the use of White Phosphorus
Make sure you read till last to know what is white phosphorus! and the effect!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife?
- Choose a good husband: Ask your parents, they have more experience of life.
- Use your beauty: Allah has given you beauty to win the heart of your husband. Wear provocative clothes. Put Kohl in your eyes. Wear a pleasant perfume, your husband should smell a pleasant smell from you. Use the most beautiful jewelry you have.
- Share your beauty only with your husband: Men don’t want anyone else looking at their wife.Preserve your beauty from others by observing full Hijab.
- Greet your husband: Remember your husband is tired when he comes back home from work, so greet him with a wonderful greeting. Smile and say kind words to him.
- Appear as cheerful as you can: When you’re with your husband, don’t think about your worries.Have a sense of humor, make him laugh, play games with him.
- Listen to your husband: When he’s talking about his troubles and worries, listen to him.
- Listen to his Halal Demands: Let him improve you as a person. Encourage him to enjoin people to righteousness and discourage people from sinning. Encourage him to meet with his good friends and relatives. Provide him with Halal entertainment yourself whenever you can.
- Obey your husband: Obeying your husband is Wajib and is one of the things that leads you to Jannah. Do not obey him if he tells you to do something which is against the commands of Allah and His Messenger and inform him of your rights and his duties if he is not acting accordingly.
- Please him: Bring him good news, as much as you can. Respond to his wishes.Prepare his favorite meals. Let everything be as your husband wants. He is your key to Jannah.
- Apologize: If your husband is angry with you about something, apologize, see how sweet the argument will end. Even if it is not your fault, just say "I’m sorry".
- Thank your husband: Thank him for all the nice things he does.
- Make Du’a: Ask Allah. He will make your marriage successful.
- Read good books: Read good books like "The Ideal Muslimah" by Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali Al-Hashimi and "You can be the Happiest Woman in the World" by Dr. A’id al-Qarni & Huda Khattab (translator).
อัสลามูอาลัยกุม วาเราะฮฺมาตุลลอฮฺ วะบะรอฮฺกาตุฮฺ
เธอส่งรอยยิ้มข้ามหัวเพื่อน ๆ มาให้ผม...มันทำให้หน้าสวย ๆ ของเธอน่ามองขึ้นอีก แต่ผมกลับรู้สึกกระอักกระอ่วนใจอย่างประหลาด!
เมื่อคืนนี้เธอโทรมาที่บ้านผม แม้เธอจะไม่ใช่ผู้หญิงคนแรกที่ลงทุนกรอกเสียงมาหาผู้ชายอย่างผม และไม่ใช่คนแรกที่ทำให้ผมต้องคิดหาทางเลี่ยงวางโทรศัพท์ไปอย่างสุภาพ แต่ผมก็อดประหลาดใจไม่ได้ว่า...ทำไมผู้หญิงสวย ๆ อย่างเธอถึงต้องทำอะไรแบบนี้
ผมไม่ใช่คนเคร่งครัดมากมาย แต่ผมก็เติบโตขึ้นมาในครอบครัวที่เอาศาสนาในระดับหนึ่ง และอาจเป็นเพราะการเลี้ยงดูนี่เองที่ทำให้ผมเห็นด้วยกับขอบเขตระหว่างชาย-หญิงในอิสลามมากที่สุด เพราะผมมีตัวอย่างที่ดียิ่งในเรื่องนี้อยู่ใกล้ตัว...นั่นคือพ่อกับแม่
พ่อเคยเล่าให้ฟังว่าสมัยแม่สาว ๆ นั้นแม่ไม่ใช่คนเรียบร้อยแบบผ้าพับไว้หรอก แม่กล้าพูดและกล้าแสดงความคิดเห็นโดยเฉพาะในเรื่องศาสนา แต่ที่เด่นชัดมากในตัวแม่คือการรักษาขอบเขตระหว่างตัวเองกับเพศตรงข้าม อย่าว่าแต่จะกล้าแตะเนื้อต้องตัว หรือโทรศัพท์ไปหาผู้ชายอย่างที่เด็กสาว ๆ สมัยนี้ทำเลย แม้แต่จะยกสายตามองผู้ชายตรง ๆ สักครั้ง แม่ยังทำน้อยกว่าน้อย ผลก็คือผู้ชายทุกคนต่างพูดถึงแม่ในลักษณะที่ให้เกียรติ ไม่มีใครสักคนที่จะล่วงเกินด้วยคำพูดหยาบโลน
ถ้าถามผมตรง ๆ ว่ารู้สึกยังไงกับเธอคนนี้ ผมก็ต้องตอบว่าเธอสวยและดูดี ถ้าให้คบไว้ดูเล่นแก้เซ็งก็น่าสน เสียแต่ว่าผมไม่ใช่ผู้ชายประเภทนั้น การดูผู้หญิงของผมหมายถึงการดู ‘แม่’ ให้แก่ลูกของผม ซึ่งผมไม่คิดว่าผู้หญิงที่ในสมองบรรจุไว้แต่คำว่า ‘ความสวยงาม’ และเบอร์โทรศัพท์ของผู้ชายจะเป็นได้
ถูกล่ะ! ผู้ชายทุกคนไม่ได้เป็นแบบผม คนที่ชอบผู้หญิงแบบ...ขอโทษ ‘แจ๋ไหนแจ๋นั่น’ มันก็มี แต่ผมก็อยากจะถามคุณผู้หญิงกลับว่า แล้วผู้ชายชนิดไหนหรือที่คุณจะยอมให้มาเป็นพ่อของลูกคุณ? แล้วถ้าใจคุณเถียงว่า คุณไม่ได้คิดไปไกลขนาดนั้น เพียงแต่คบกันแบบเด็ก ๆ ผมก็อยากจะบอกว่า...สิ่งที่คุณกำลังทำนั้นไม่มีทางจะไปจบลงที่อื่นนอกจากคำว่า ‘นรก’ เท่านั้น
มุสลิมะฮฺที่รัก! รู้ไหมว่าเธอโชคดีแค่ไหนที่ได้เกิดมาในร่มเงาของอิสลาม ไม่มีศาสนาอื่นใดอีกแล้วที่จะปกป้องและให้เกียรติเธอมากเท่านี้ จงไว้ใจในการเลือกสรรของพระเจ้าของเธอเถิด และจงมั่นใจในคุณค่าที่มีอยู่ในตัวของเธอเอง อย่าลดระดับตัวเองให้กลายเป็นผู้หญิงที่มีราคาแค่คำพูดเลี่ยน ๆ ของผู้ชายเลย
ผู้หญิงที่มีความงามชนิดที่ทำให้ผู้ชายต้องหลงใหลนั้นมีอยู่เกลื่อนกลาดเต็มท้องถนน แต่ผู้หญิงที่มีความงามชนิดที่ผู้ชายจะต้องให้เกียรติต่างหากที่หายากยิ่ง...ทำไมเธอไม่คิดว่าตัวเองมีค่าสำหรับตำแหน่งนี้เล่า?
วัสลามูอาลัยกุมวาเราะฮฺมาตุลลอฮฺ วะบะรอฮฺกาตุฮฺ
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
How to Become a Good Muslim Woman
- Understand that things are going to be okay. Allah forgives minor sins for He is All-Understanding and All-Forgiving. Even if you feel that you are already too deep in sin to turn around and become the good Muslim that you truly are, you are not.
- Discover from whence the influences that are causing you to turn your back on your religion come. Maybe you can trace back the cause to either family situations or friends that are leading you in the wrong path. Leave the friends. They will not be there on judgment day when you have to face Allah on your own. If it is because of family, it is a little more difficult. This is where the next steps will come in handy.
- If you are truly devoted to turning over a new leaf and becoming the best Muslim girl that you can be, you might want to consider wearing the hijab or a veil (keep in mind you do not have to wear a veil, however it is obligatory for muslim girls to wear a headscarf). The hijab is not just a piece of cloth that covers hair, it changes you mentally and spiritually. Think of it as a way for Allah to protect the women. As soon as you wear the hijab, hopefully, your whole perspective on self-respect and values will automatically change. Not to say that non-hijabis are not protected or enlightened, but some believe you have a better chance of achieving this feeling by wearing the hijab.
- Pray five times a day. But before you get on the prayer rug, learn what the prayer words mean. If you do not speak Arabic, try to find some translated versions of the prayer and take some time to read and understand what the words mean. After that, start making prayer a normal part of your day.
- Read the Quran. Again, you can read it in English if you are not fluent in Arabic. Reading the Quran will help establish a useful relationship with Allah and will also allow you to understand how beautiful the religion is. Listening to it (you can find videos online) also makes you feel closer to Allah.
- Learn more about Islam. Know what you have to do (which is called 'wajib' things) and what you can't do (haram things). The Internet is a valuable source to search for Islamic rules and regulations.
- Dress modestly. This does not mean that you have to look ugly or not stylish. Just be modest. Wear longer shirts and avoid tank tops and shorts. This also helps you to change your whole outlook on what is acceptable and what is not.
- Hang out with good friends; going with the theme you may want to make friends who share your mission of being a good Muslim. If you are lucky enough, you might spot a muslim girl your age. Be sure to make friends with a muslim girl if you find one. You can tell her how you are trying to be a better muslim, and she might be able to help!
- Avoid negative influences, including old friends (as hard as it may be, the reward is well worth it) who may have had a bad influence or who bring out the negative characteristics in you. We all have the Shaitan (devil) in us, but it is our responsibility as Muslims to fight these temptations and urges by increasing our faith and spirituality.
- Forgive yourself for any sins you may have committed. You need to let go of past mistakes and work on improving the future. Whatever has happened is done. It is in the past and there is nothing you can do to change it or better it. The only thing you can do is forgive yourself or use those negative experiences as motivation to get better and do good.
- Notice where your weaknesses are and avoid them. For example, if you were a person who engaged in pre-marital sexual intercourse, avoid interaction with men. This is not to say that you should run every time a guy comes near, but instead, keep mostly female friends and try to avoid making friends with men who themselves are lacking morals and do not respect females. They are not people that you need in your life anyway.
- Take it day by day. If you make it a priority in your mind that you want to strive to be the best Muslim girl possible, you will achieve this goal without even realizing it! Every time you are about to do something, think: "Is this something good or religious?" If it isn't, don't do it! Simply remind yourself and be ready to stop yourself, just in case.
Source and

Do you want to be happy? We are all looking for an escape from worry, and depression, and for ways to find happiness. This book presents the route to happiness in a nutshell, drawing on Islamic teachings and the voices of "experts" both western and eastern. So sit back, relax and read it from cover to cover, or dip into it a page or two at a time in between other activities in a busy life as a wife, mother, student or worker.
You are holding in your hands a treasure chest of reminders that will help you learn important lessons and set you on the path to happiness in this world and in the Hereafter, Insha' Allah.
view sample pages
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
We are a fresh tender plant !
Narrated By Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said, "The example of a believer is that of a fresh tender plant; from whatever direction the wind comes, it bends it, but when the wind becomes quiet, it becomes straight again. Similarly, a believer is afflicted with calamities (but he remains patient till Allah removes his difficulties.) And an impious wicked person is like a pine tree which keeps hard and straight till Allah cuts (breaks) it down when He wishes."
Sahih Bukhari
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Women in Islam...How to be beautiful?
decorate your lovely eyes by lowing your gaze
2. ทาริมฝีปากอันบอบบางของเธอด้วยลิปสติกยี่ห้อ ????? (การพูดจริง)
and apply lipstick brand "saying truth" on your lips
3. ใช้เมคอัพ (make up) ยี่ห้อ ??????. (ความอาย)..แปะลงบนแก้มทั้งสองของเธอ
let your shyness be your brush on
4. ใช้สบู่ ????????? (การขออภัยโทษ) เพื่อขจัดสิ่งสกปรกชั่วร้ายออกจากร่างกายของเธอ
wash sins away from you by the soap named "asking His forgivness"
5. บำรุงหัวใจของเธอให้แข็งแรงด้วยสมุนไพร ตักวา ?????? (การยำเกรง)
strengthen your heart by "Al-taqwa" herbal product
6. ปกป้องผมสวยของเธอด้วยแชมพู ฮีญาบ ???? เพื่อผมของเธอดูเงางามตลอดเวลา
Protect you hair by using shampoo called "hijab"
7. สวมถุงมือแห่งความขยันเพื่อมืออันบอบบางของเธอ
wearing hard working gloves to protect your little hands
8. แขวนสร้อยคอแห่งการให้อภัยลงบนคอของเธอ
put on necklace of forgiveness
9. ใส่เสื้อผ้ากระโปรงที่ตัดจากร้านอิสลามบูติค ????? ???????
put on modest dress from Islamic boutique
10.เพื่อให้ใบหน้าของเธอดูอ่อนวัยใช้ครีมยี่ห้อ ????????? (การยิ้ม)
in order to have baby face, let your smile be the best young cream
** related articles
from a Islam ---> when wrong become right
from lovely sis ---> smile
Monday, February 2, 2009
Motivational talk
The RM3 paid sounds good till I decided to step out from my block.
Everything there can be accepted except for one spoiled part.
The motivator began his talk by bellowing the audiences hard.
Hard as if you think your earwax are dancing.
I really want to know what make other audiences laughing.
Most of the slides were just his stories and how often he appeared in media.
That time is when my heart was filling with tears.
An hour passed without gaining any new knowledge.
I told myself I will not let my free time trapped in his net.
Wait, I am not saying I regret for attending such.
At least I learned a new formula where some motivator’s talks are equal to dirty dust.
Smart Attire
No wonder I have irritation in my GUT.
A question raised what is the indicator for that?
Just to share my view, not mean to make you sad.
The way people define SMART can be different.
For me, forcing guys to put on necktie and shirt looks bit nonsense.
Nabi Muhammad (saw.) and sahabah were so smart beyond.
Al-ameen, his trustworthy characteristic was not given based on what he put on.
Pakistan style, malay style, arabic style can be professional attire too.
Let’s free our brains from western thought before the day we cry moo-moo.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Free of charge printing service with unlimited amount(of original copies)...
*only documents that aim to promote Islam or call people back to Qur'an and Sunnah
**NGO document (meaning not belong to any society or kulliyyah)
***preserved for muslimah students of UIA kuantan campus only
**** only black and white for now (color print will be provided soon,inshaAllah)
- contact me via my email --->
( for those who know my room, please feel free to come )
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The last letter from Palestinian young boy
ไม่มีที่สำหรับเราอีกแล้วตอนนี้ ฉันสูญเสียพี่ชายและน้องสาว ทุกคนตายกันหมด
พ่อของฉันต้องจับด้ามปืนเพื่อออกไปปกป้องครอบครัวของเรา ซึ่งก่อนพ่อเคยใช้มือของท่านถือคัมภีร์อัลกุรอ่านในการอ่านและศึกษา
แม่ของฉันท่านก็เสียใจ และล้มป่วย จนกระทั่งเปลี่ยนเป็นคนเสียสติแล้ว ดวงตาของท่านมิเคยเลยที่จะเหือดแห้งจากน้ำตา....
ตอนนี้ดินแดนที่ฉันอยู่ไม่มีเสียงผู้คน ทุกคนล้วนต่างพากันหนีเอาตัวรอดไปยังที่อื่น ซึ่งไม่นานพวกทหารอิสรอเอลก็คงตามไปพบและก็ฆ่าคนพวกนั้น
ฉันควรจะทำอย่างไร?? ควรจะออกจากบ้านตามพวกเค้าไปหาสุสานแห่งใหม่เพียงเพื่อตายเท่านั้นหรือ....
ตอนนี้ฉันมิเหลือใครอีกแล้ว ไม่มีใครกลับมาปกป้องฉัน ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างที่ฉันสูญสิ้นชาวอิสรอเอลต้องชดใช้....
*** คุณค่าเลือดของเราไม่เท่ากับเลือดของเขาหรือ?
*** หรือว่าแผ่นดินนี้ที่เราอยู่กันมานานมิใช่สิทธิของเราหรือ?
*** หรือว่าพวกเขาต้องการน้ำตาของเราเพื่อเพียงรอยยิ้มกระนั้นหรือ?
*** หรือว่าพวกเขาทำเพียงเพื่อความสนุกเท่านั้น?
ฉันตัวคนเดียวไม่เหลือใครอีกแล้ว ฉันเหลือเพียงแค่สองมือน้อยๆ นี้ที่เพียงพอจะสู้เค้าได้ ฉันจะใช้หินเหล่านี้ ฆ่าทหารอิสรอเอลเมื่อพวกมันเข้ามาในบ้านของฉัน และฉันจะไม่หนีออกไปจากบ้านของฉันอย่างแน่นอน ถึงฉันจะอายุเพียง 12 ปี แต่ก็กล้าพอที่จะสู้เพื่อปกป้องบ้านของฉัน และชีวิตของฉัน
พ่อแม่ฉันมิกลับมาอีกแล้ว.... พี่ชายน้องสาวของฉันก็ตายกันไปหมดแล้ว....
ช่วยฉันด้วย ฉันมีหินไม่เพียงพอที่จะฆ่าทหารอิสราเอลเหล่านั้น ใครก็ได้ที่เห็นจดหมายของฉันโปรดช่วยฉันด้วย!!!!
เราได้พบจดหมายของเด็กน้อยนี้เป็นภาษาฮิบรูในคราบเปอะเปื้อนเลือดในมือของ เขา และเราได้แปลมันเพื่อส่งให้พี่น้องของเราทั่วโลกเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ
เราช้าไป เรามาไม่ทันที่จะช่วยเด็กน้อยนี้ เค้าตายในห้องอาบน้ำในสภาพที่ถูกกระสุนยิงที่แสกหน้า มือขวาของเด็กน้อยยังคงถือหินก้อนหนึ่ง และมือซ้ายก็ได้กำจดหมายและรูปภาพครอบครัวของเขา
พวกเราต่างร้องไห้ด้วยความเศร้าโศกเสียใจ และเราได้ให้สัญญากับเด็กน้อยว่าเราจะทำทุกอย่างที่เค้าต้องการ................
ขออัลลอฮทรงประทานสวนสวรรค์ให้แก่เขา และให้เขาได้พบกับครอบครัวทั้งหมดที่นั้น อามีน
ดวงตาของฉันมีเคยที่จะหยุดร้องไห้นับจากวันนั้น ภาพที่เห็นเด็กน้อยนอนตายเพื่อปกป้องบ้านและครอบครัวของเขา ด้วยเพียงอาวุธแค่หินก้อนเดียว ต่อสู้กับทหารอิสรอเอลนับพัน......
ดินแดนนี้เป็นสิทธิของเรา อย่าได้ให้มันมาทำลาย
เพราะไม่มีที่ไหนจากนี้อีกต่อไปแล้ว ที่ที่ท่านหนี้ไปก็เป็นเพียงแค่สุสานแห่งใหม่ของพวกท่านเท่านั้นเอง
จงดูตัวอย่างเด็กน้อยผู้นี้เถิด และจดจำเอาไว้..............เรายังมีวันนี้......
Praying in congregation at the Masjid for muslimeen is the BEST
Praying soundly in their houses for muslimah is the BEST
So, choose the best for yourself...
Friday, January 23, 2009
How I Came to Love the Veil by Yvonne Ridley (from captive to convert)

Though this article is quite long, I really want everyone to read it...
POLITICIANS AND JOURNALISTS just love to write about the oppression of women in Islam ... without even talking to the females beneath the veil.
They simply have no idea how Muslim women are protected and respected within the Islamic framework which was built more than 1400 years ago.
Yet, by writing about cultural issues like child brides, female circumcision, honor killings and forced marriages they wrongly believe they are coming from a point of knowledge.
And I am sick of Saudi Arabia being cited as an example of how women are subjigated in a country where they are banned from driving.
The issues above have simply nothing to do with Islam yet they still write and talk about them with an arrogant air of authority while wrongly blaming Islam. Please do not confuse cultural behavior with Islam.
I was asked to write about how Islam allows men to beat their wives. Sorry, not true. Yes, I'm sure critics of Islam will quote random Qur'anic verses or ahadith but all are usually taken out of context. If a man does raise a finger to his wife, he is not allowed to leave a mark on her body ... this is another way of the Qur'an saying; "Don't beat your wife, stupid".
Now let's take a glance at some really interesting statistics, hmm. I can almost hear the words pot, kettle, black. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, four million American women experience a serious assault by a partner during an average 12-month period.
On the average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands and boyfriends every day . . . that is nearly 5,500 women battered to death since 9/11.
Some might say that is a shocking indictment on such a civilized society, but before I sound too smug, I would say that violence against women is a global issue. Violent men do not come in any particular religious or cultural category. The reality is that one out of three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Violence against women transcends religion, wealth, class, skin color and culture.
However, until Islam came on the scene women were treated as inferior beings. In fact we women still have a problem in the West where men think they are superior. This is reflected in our promotion and wages structure right across the spectrum from cleaners to career women who make it into the boardroom.
Western women are still treated as commodities, where sexual slavery is on the rise, disguised under marketing euphemisms, where womens’ bodies are traded throughout the advertising world. As mentioned before, this is a society where rape, sexual assault, and violence on women is commonplace, a society where the equality between men and women is an illusion, a society where a womens’ power or influence is usually only related to the size of her breasts.
I used to look at veiled women as quiet, oppressed creatures and now I look at them as multi-skilled, multi-talented, resilient women whose brand of sisterhood makes Western feminism pale into insignificance. My views changed after the truly terrifying experience of being arrested by the Taleban for sneaking into Afghanistan in September 2001 wearing the bhurka.
During my 10-day captivity I struck a deal that if they let me go I would read the Quran and study Islam. Against all the odds, it worked and I was released. In return I kept my word but as a journalist covering the Middle East I realized I needed to expand my knowledge of a religion which was clearly a way of life.
And no. I'm not a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. To be a victim you have to bond with your captors. During my imprisonment I spat, swore, cursed and abused my jailers as well as refusing their food and going on hunger strike. I don't know who was happier when I was released - them or me!
Reading the Quran was, I thought, going to be a very simple academic exercise. I was stunned to discover that ut clearly stated women are equal in spirituality, education and worth. A woman’s gift for child birth and child-rearing is very much recognised as a quality and attribute. Muslim women say with pride they are homemakers and housewives.
Furthermore The Prophet (pbuh) said that the most important person in the home was The Mother, The Mother, The Mother. In fact he also said that heaven lies at the feet of the mother. How many women make it into the top 100 power lists for simply being a "great mother"?
With Islam choosing to remain at home and raise children takes on a new dignity and respect in my eyes, similar to those sisters among us who choose to go out to work and have careers and professions.
I then began looking at inheritance, tax, property and divorce laws. This is where Hollywood divorce lawyers probably get their inspiration from. For instance the woman gets to keep what she earns and owns while the man has to stump up half his worth.
Isn’t it funny the way the tabloid media gets very excited over the prospect of some pop or film stars pre-nuptial wedding agreement? Muslim women have had wedding contracts from day one. They can choose if they want to work or not and anything they earn is theirs to spend while the husband has to pay for all the household bills and the upkeep of his family.
Just about everything that feminists strived for in the 70s was already available to Muslim women 1400 years ago.
As I said, Islam dignifies and brings respect to motherhood and being a wife. If you want to stay at home, stay at home. It is a great honor to be a home maker and the first educater of your children.
But equally, the Quran states if you want to work, then work. Be a career woman, learn a profession become a politician. Be what you want to be and excel in what you do as a Muslim because everything you do is in praise of Allah (swt).
There is an excessive, almost irritating concentration or focus on the issue of Muslim womens’ dress particularly by men (both Muslim and non-Muslim).
Yes, it is an obligation for Muslim women to dress modestly but, in addition, there are many other important issues which concern Muslim women today.
And yet everyone obsesses over the hijab. Look, it is part of my business suit. This tells you I am a Muslim and therefore I expect to be treated with respect.
Can you imagine if someone told a Wall Street executive or Washington banker to put on a t-shirt and jeans? He would tell you his business suit defines him during work hours, marks him out to be treated seriously.
And yet in Britain we have had the former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw describing the nikab - the face veil revealing only the eyes - as an unwelcome barrier. When, oh when, will men learn to keep their mouths shut over a woman's wardrobe?
We also had Government Ministers Gordon Brown and John Reid express disparaging remarks about the nikab - both these men come from over the Scottish Borders where men wear skirts!!
Then we had a series of other parliamentarians enter the fray describing the nikab as a barrier for communication. What a load of nonsense. If this was the case can anyone explain to me why cell phones, landlines, emails, text messaging and fax machines are in daily use? Who listens to the radio? No one switches off the wireless because they can not see the face of the presenter.
The majority of sisters I know who choose to wear the nikab are actually white, Western reverts who no longer want the unwelcome attention of those few leering men who will try and confront females and launch into inappropriate behavior. Mind you, there are a couple of London sisters I know who say they wear the nikab at anti-war marches because they can't stand the smell of spliffs.
I am afraid Islamophobia has become the last refuge of the racist scoundrel. But the cowardly, chauvinistic attacks launched - largely by men - is unacceptable to Muslimahs as well as their secular, female sisters from the left.
I was a feminist for many years and now, as an Islamic feminist, I still promote womens' rights. The only difference is Muslim feminists are more radical than their secular counterparts. We all hate those ghastly beauty pageants, and tried to stop laughing when the emergence of Miss Afghanistan in bikini was hailed as a giant leap for women's liberation in Afghanistan.
I've been back to Afghanistan many times and I can tell you there are no career women emerging from the rubble in Kabul. My Afghan sisters say they wish the West would drop its obsession with the bhurka. "Don't try turning me into a career woman, get my husband a job first. Show me how I can send my children to school without fear of them being kidnapped. Give me security and bread on the table," one sister told me.
Young feminist Muslimahs see the hijab and the nikab as political symbols as well as a religious requirement. Some say it is their way of showing the world they reject the excesses of Western lifestyles such as binge drinking, casual sex, drug-taking etc.
Superiority in Islam is accomplished through piety, not beauty, wealth, power, position or sex.
Now you tell me what is more liberating. Being judged on the length of your skirt and the size of your cosmetically enhanced breasts, or being judged on your character, mind and intelligence?
Glossy magazines tell us as women that unless we are tall, slim and beautiful we will be unloved and unwanted. The pressure on teenage magazine readers to have a boyfriend is almost obscene.
Islam tells me that I have a right to an education and it is my duty to go out and seek knowledge whether I am single or married.
No where in the framework of Islam are we told as women that we must do washing, cleaning or cooking for men - but it is not just Muslim men who need to re-evaluate women in their home. Check out this 1992 exert from a Pat Robertson speech revealing his views on empowered women. And then you tell me who is civilized and who is not.
Here is an American man living in a pre-Islamic age who needs to modernize and civilize. People like him are wearing a veil and we need to tear that veil of bigotry away so people can see Islam for what it is.
and now I look at them as multi-skilled, multi-talented,
resilient women whose brand of sisterhood
makes Western feminism pale into insignificance."