written by Mohammad Bin Ahmad Al-Salem, first made its appearance on the jihadist boards in 2003, and is reposted from time to time.
1. Deciding on Jihad
2. Praying Honestly to God for Martyrdom
3. Joining the Jihad in Spirit
4. Jihad Through Money
5. Outfitting a Fighter
6. Taking Care of the Fighter's Family
7. Supporting the Families of Martyrs
8. Supporting the Families of Those Who Are Wounded and Imprisoned
9. Collecting Donations for the Mujahidin
10. Paying the Alms Tax for the Mujahidin
11. Healing the Wounded
12. Praising the Mujahidin, Commemorating Their Exploits, and Urging Others To Follow in Their Footsteps
13. Encouraging the Mujahidin
14. Defending the Mujahidin 15. Exposing the Hypocrites and Defeatists
16. Urging People To Engage in Jihad
17. Advising Muslims and the Mujahidin
18. Concealing the Mujahidin and Secrets That Could Benefit the Enemy
19. Praying for Them
20. Qunut: Prayers in time of calamity
21. Following and Distributing News of the Jihad
22. Distributing Books and Brochures
23. Publishing Fatwas To Help the Mujahidin
24. Communicating With Scholars and Preachers and Keeping Them Informed About the Mujahidin
25. Physical Training
26. Weapons Training and Marksmanship
27. Swimming and Horsemanship
28. First Aid
29. Jurisprudence of Jihad
30. Sheltering the Mujahidin and Providing Them With Hospitality
31. Hostility and Hatred of the Infidels
32. Trying to Ransom Prisoners
33. Spreading News of the Prisoners and Their Plight
34. Electronic Jihad
35. Discouraging the Polytheists
36. Raising Children To Love Jihad and Those Who Wage It
37. Abandoning Luxury
38. Boycotting Goods and Encouraging Others to Boycott Them
39. Avoiding the Employment of Hostile Labor
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