Assalamualaikum… (Peace be upon you (believers))
As the title say, “Muslimah and protestation or protestation and Muslimah” I am not going to discuss with you about the Hukm or whatsoever because I do not know about it. But I am here and trying to share with you what we, Muslimah can do to show our responsibility toward our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Palestine, Afqanistan, Iraq or wherever in this world. Here we go!
Single Muslimah
. You are encouraged to march in protestation against enemies of Islam with the conditions that the place you are going to is safe and you have asked your mahram’s permission.
. Do and encourage other people to strictly boycott enemies’ products and services
. Be up to date to the news of our brothers and sisters
.Donate them foods, clothes or money
. Never ever forget them in your DOA (prayer)
. Have Halaqah among Muslimah to update the current issues and remind each other our duties as Muslimah
Married Muslimah
. All of the above for single Muslimah can be practiced by you too.
. In case for some Muslimah who prefer not to involve in public protestation
Here are some tips
. Do encourage your sweetheart to go for protestation, or even Jihad in the battlefield
. Give your darling a hand by making protesting boards or boycott leaflets in order for them to use during protesting
. Take care of and educate you children who are the enemies of Islam, tell them what is happening among Muslim, and what they can do for it (instruct them to make DOA for Muslim, and Boycott the enemies)
. Trend them (boys) to be Mujahidin
. Take care of your husband house and make it a nice place to remember Allah and ask Him for His help
“Allah hath decreed: Lo! I verily shall conquer, I and Massengers. Lo! Allah is strong, Almighty.” (58:21)
“…Beware! Surely, it is Allah’s party who are the successful.”(58:22)
“Think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living. With their Lord they have provision” (3:169)
With Salam and Doa
wabi, a very nice sharing
it's been quite a long time since i last wrote in english. But i think you could understand my new entry about our mega assembly. Hope so.
wabi, kenapa as tak nampak wabi masa assembly. Who knows you are in the pisctures taken by me ;)
may Allah bless our efforts ameen
Assalamualaikum, miss As...
I have seen you already. but i was quite busy on that day.
inshaAllah, see you soon!! ^^
Thanks for dropping by my blogs
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