Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting ready…

Salon, Spa, and all brides to be courses
Seem so means that is how people thought
Well, no deny it a bit important
Yet, how can we sure we aren’t being influenced

Let’s take time machine (islamic history) to the prophet era
And have a look on how religious the women were
Surah al-nur, al-ahzab were studied intensely
As a means to become a wife faithfully

Let’s take the time machine back to our era
And have a look on how materialistic we are
Wedding studio is almost in every sister’s dreams
But Qur’an and Hadith are far away from their theme

Not too late to get ready now
Grabs Qur’an tightly in your hand
And Let’s Hadith enlighten your days from now on
If HE wills, you will be the most beautiful bride His mercy eternally bestows on.

So, here are a fews hadith preparing us to be a good and beloved wife.


The Rasul of Allah (saw) said, ‘Should I
not tell you of your men who will be of the people of Jannah?
The prophets will be in Jannah, the siddiqs will be in Jannah,
the martyrs will be in jannah, a baby (dying before puberty)
will be in Jannah, and a man who visits his brother in a distant
locality, visiting him only for the sake of Allah. And as for your
women who will be of the people of Jannah: she is the loving,
bearer of many children, the one who is caring toward her
husband – the one, who, when he gets angry, puts her hand in
his and says ‘I will not taste any sleep until you are happy.’’

(Tammam Ar-Razi)


Rasulullah (saw.) said, ‘When a woman prays her Ive (prayers),
fasts her month (Ramadan), preserves her chastity, and obeys
her husband, she will be told (on the Day of Judgment), ‘Enter
Jannah from any of its (eight) gates.’
(ibn Hibban)

He (saw.) also said that the prayer of a woman who disobeys her
husband does not rise above her head until she returns
obedience). (Haakim and Tabarani)

Pleasing the Husband

Rasulullah (saw.) said, ‘The best of women is that who pleases
him (i.e. her husband) when he looks at her, obeys him when
he orders, and does not subject her person or money to what
he dislikes.’
(Ahmed and others)

Fulfilling his physical desire

Rasulullah (saw.) said, ‘When a man
invites his wife for his (sexual) need,
she should go to him, even if she
was working at the outdoor oven.’
(Ahmed, An-Nasa’i and others)

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